Why State Laws Restricting Hemp-Derived THC Drinks Are Out of Touch

Why State Laws Restricting Hemp-Derived THC Drinks Are Out of Touch

As more people embrace hemp-derived THC drinks as a healthier, hangover-free alternative to alcohol, it’s becoming clear that many state laws restricting these beverages are out of sync with science and current trends. Here’s why, and what you can do about it.

The Science and Reality of THC Drinks

Hemp-derived THC drinks, especially those using federally legal Delta-9 THC, offer mild effects with low risk. Numerous studies highlight the safety of hemp-derived THC when consumed responsibly in low doses (e.g. 5mg). These drinks are carefully formulated and tested for potency, making them a great option for people seeking relaxation without the side effects of alcohol. Despite the science, many state laws still restrict these products, citing outdated views on cannabis.

Current Trends Show Demand

The trend is undeniable: adults are drinking less alcohol and opting for alternatives like THC drinks, which provide a more controlled experience and align with wellness-focused lifestyles. This growing trend is fueled by the appeal of THC drinks across a broad range of age groups, including health-conscious individuals looking for lower-calorie options without the hangover . 

What You Can Do

If you’re interested in advocating for hemp-derived THC beverages and ensuring responsible sales in your state, joining or supporting relevant organizations is key. Here are a few groups that focus on hemp advocacy and policy reform, excluding cannabis-specific organizations:

U.S. Hemp Roundtable

The U.S. Hemp Roundtable is a coalition of leading companies and organizations that advocate for hemp-derived products, including beverages containing Delta-9 THC. They work closely with lawmakers to push for sensible hemp regulations and offer resources on the legal landscape. (https://hempsupporter.com/)

Vote Hemp

Vote Hemp is a grassroots organization focused on changing federal and state laws to allow for the full commercial cultivation of industrial hemp. They also advocate for the fair regulation of hemp-derived products like THC beverages. (https://www.votehemp.com)

American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) – Hemp Committee

The AHPA’s Hemp Committee works to advance regulatory policies that benefit hemp-derived products, including beverages, and ensures that safe, high-quality hemp products reach consumers. (https://www.ahpa.org)
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